
These days were very hard for me. My skin was infected by bacteria at the bottom. In addition, I got headache sometimes. It was difficult for me neither to sit nor to stand.

I was in very poor condition and decided to visit a doctor! However, the question came up. Since the affected parts are different, I had to choose which division I should go, of dermatology or of general medicine. For the sake of my work, I chose to visit a dermatologist. Thus, I could keep performing my duty with a little bit comfort.

You probably know that most Japanese are not good at English. How about a doctor, a well-trained professional? The answer is vague. Because he could understand all what I described in English but replied by his smartphone translation app, I could not tell how his English ability is. Anyway, he helped to relieve my pain, and that was enough!

Taiwan is famous for its public health insurance system, which makes the medical rates lowest all over the world. Therefore, I was terribly shocked when I saw the bill, an incredible rate of medicine I have never seen before!!! I hope the bill is eligible to be covered by our insurance system for me to get some subsidy.