
Such a wonderful business trip to Tokyo it was. Because this internship is my first chance to be in Japan, it was not until last Thursday did I went to Tokyo at the first time.

On last Thursday morning, I took 新幹線, the quickest rail train in Japan, to Tokyo with my director and our president. The whole time from Kyoto to Tokyo by 新幹線 was almost two and a half hour. We had to visit our customer at 3 o’clock. Therefore, we were free before the meeting and had lunch at a Chinese restaurant then. After three weeks in Japan, of course, my Japanese ability was still not good enough to read the menu. Thanks to a clerk from China, I was able to order the meal I would like to have. To my surprised, our president ordered a very spicy dish, called 麻婆豆腐, spicy tofu. Most Japanese cannot stand Chinese spicy cuisine. However, our president enjoyed the dish every much.

I hope my Japanese can improved very fast in order to understand the conversation between my colleagues and customer. Even though I did not catch the idea of the meeting, our president explained to me afterwards that the content was quite cheering to me. Because our customer told us that Taiwanese technology is getting better and almost at the same standard of Japanese.

After the meeting, we had a great dinner at Tokyo. That was another long story to tell. However, I am still curious about the residual content of the meeting.