


















Day 14


Yesterday, I met with the company shachou and a representative from Kyoto University to discuss internship progress so far. The most interesting topic of the talk was the other organisations with which Kimura maintains a network. Naturally, it’s difficult for me to have much awareness of this kind of thing, but Kimura has relationships with many companies in the same industry and area.


I hope I can see some other companies eventually. Every time I leave the office, I get a better understanding of the “business environment”. It isn’t just the parts-maker industry, or even the Japanese business world, but the relationship between people and their economy that I learn about.


Supporting this, I was interested to find that the management theories and principles used by the shachou are the same as those I learnt in university back home.


A different track, I think I’ll write a little about yesterday’s lunch.

I’ve mentioned before that occasionally instead of bento boxes we get curry rice. After eating, since curry hangs around in my stomach it’s on my mind for a while.

As such, I did a little reading: curry was introduced to Japan in the Meiji-era (1868-1912). Despite being Indian in origin, the food was introduced by the English so is still considered a Western dish. Compared to (Australian) Indian curry, curry in Japan tends to be thicker and not at all spicy.

But they both stay in your tummy longer than you expect.