
Most of you probably have heard that Japanese are hard workers. I want to confirm the saying is totally true. Besides, the impression of Japanese is also conservative. I am sorry that I have to put it straight. Elder generation of Japanese is usually conservative as the saying goes, while almost younger generation is quite flexible to the change of the environment. Thanks to more and more frequent global contact, Japanese is also becoming more open-minded to something new.

According to my observation, Japanese is trying to find or create their ways to deal with new and changing world. Japanese way takes more time than just accepting new things. I think that’s why most people occurs conservative impression to Japanese. However, the results of Japanese adaptation are always breathtaking. Sometimes, I have feelings that they have broken through innovation. In other words, we accept new things faster than Japanese, but they create better ones afterwards instead of taking new things directly.

Having lived and worked in Japan for almost three months, I always tried to look into details of the nation, which had governed Taiwan for long time before. It’s so pity that I have too little time to explore more about Japan.

Because I had a terrible eye ache last Friday, which even caused intolerable headache, I left very early in the morning. Our beloved president, Mr. Kimura, who had received education abroad, was so kind that he allowed me to work on flexible time. His scope is rare among elder generation of Japanese.