
I had been work in a famous bank in Taiwan before I came to Japan. The founder and the following presidents of the bank had Japanese education background. They brought Japanese business culture back into Taiwan.

In previous blog I mentioned that Taiwan had been ruled by Japan for long time. Therefore, there are still a lot of cultures in Taiwan nowadays similar to Japanese. I get used to life in japan for the same reason.

Kimura Industry is a small and traditional Japanese company. You must appreciate that Japanese company cherish their employees very much. They provide accommodations, lunch, and a variety of benefits for their employees. The conducts are so considerate for a foreigner staff such as me. I thereby reduced a great amount of inconvenience of moving to a strange place.

Under such a kind working environment, each staff is dedicated to the task which they are assigned to. Thus, company reaps the profits from staff’s hard work and redistributes the profits to hard worker by various benefits.

In addition to lunch provided by company, morning calisthenics is also a tradition to Japanese companies. That was the best practice to start a day in such a cold winter. I really enjoy traditional culture of Japanese company in Kimura Industry.