1日目 Nice to meet you. I love K. Japan.

Hi, 初次見面,您們好。我是來自台灣的John 蔡政良,是木村製作所新招聘的實習生。今天是我第一天上班,還請大家多多指教!希望未來一切順利。


Hi, nice to meet you. I am John from Taiwan, new intern hired by Kimura Industry Co.,Ltd. Today is my first day on duty. Feel free to let me know anything I have to take care of. Hope everything going well in the future.

I am really really appreciate that Mr. Kimura give me the opportunity to work here in Japan. So far, everything gives me the feelings as if I am in the heaven. President, director, and colleagues are all very nice and kind to me. Even though I can speak little Japanese, everyone listen to me with great patient and help me as possible as they can. This is a really good company. It is too wonderful to believe all of these are true!