

そろそろ納品へ行くから, 簡単にくブログ書きます。






ところで、「Free-range curved surface precision shaping」と書きました。悪くないと思います。







Day 12

This morning I’m leaving shortly for an early nouhin run, so I will write today’s blog article quickly.


Yesterday, I completed my work in translating Kimura’s promotional materials. So far, it’s been my favorite job. As an example, I had to think of an English expression for the cumbersome “freedom of movement curved surface shaped ultra-precision machine shaping” (as great as it sounds in Japanese). The writing would have to be engaging as well as clearly communicate the technical nature of the machining. It wasn’t enough to just understand the Japanese meaning – I had to find a way to make it fluently English.


By the way, I ended up with “free-range curved surface precision shaping”. Not bad, even if it does make me think of free-range chickens.


Last night I was also able to Skype my little brother. We talked about a number of things, and the inevitable “do you want to come back to Australia” question came up. For me, it’s still too early to answer.


The food is pretty awesome though.