























Day 9

Feature article: Oden

It should be becoming clear by now that something of a routine is coming into my work life. Pretty much every day I will leave the office between around 2 and 5 in order to pick up or deliver goods and listen in on client meetings. Occasionally, I’m out for a really long time, as with last week’s trip to Shikoku. However most of the time I will go to Osaka or Shiga. At any rate, they’re all pretty far.


Inevitably, I get pretty hungry around this time. After we finish with nouhin it’s custom to visit the convenience store. Compared to Australia (which really only stocks slurpees and Krispy Kreme donuts as far as I’m concerned), Japan’s conbini has a huge variety of options. Sushi, cakes, whiskey, obento… there’s a lot to choose from.


Yesterday we went to 7-Eleven. The originally-American company in Japan bears the slogan “Japan’s delicious dining table”. I decided to put this table to the test. For some time now I had noticed a particular dining option at the front register. This is “oden”.


Before I explain what oden actually is, I think I’ll describe my first experience. As it is at the front register, it’s a bit hard to ignore its existence. However, from the start I didn’t think it looked tasty at all.


Suspicious oily-looking liquid filled metal troughs that resembled those from a school-cafeteria. Floating and cooking together were a variety of weird looking food-shapes (I couldn’t be certain of the identity of any but maybe the eggs).


Yet, I decided to eat.


With oden you choose those contents you like, which are then put in a container full of the soup from the same troughs. For my first time, I decided on a tofu thing, a chicken thing, a daikon thing and a hardboiled egg.

Sitting in the car, my first bite would be for the tofu, dipped in karashi mustard. To my astonishment it wasn’t just good – it was delicious! It was much lighter than I thought, with the soup not being oily at all but rather a miso-like broth. What’s more, despite stewing in the same soup, each ingredient was remarkably different from each other.


Ultimately a huge success. I wonder what today’s choices will be…