










(ところで、日本語だけじゃなくて色々学んだ。肉じゃがの作り方、お箸でビールをあける方法 等)










Final Blog Entry

Since I was a kid, my parents told me human beings are selfish. People need a serious impetus to work or do anything really. In truth, I’m sure they never meant for the lesson to be taken so strictly, but ultimately the idea that people are greedy left a deep impression on me.


I only have to look at the actions of my parents to know they don’t really believe the lesson themselves. My mum is always helping friends, neighbors and people she’s just met. My dad spends most of his time now volunteering at a hospital. And both have spent their whole lives working for their kids.


This past year has also gone a long way towards further undermining that cynicism about people.


When I first started studying Japanese, I met a lot of different kinds of people. First exchange students, then travelers on working holiday, and finally the staff at the restaurant I worked at. Despite the wide range, everyone had at least one thing in common: with tremendous strength of spirit they acted as teachers.


(By the way, it wasn’t just language I learned. How to make niku-jaga­, how to open a beer with chopsticks etc…)


I was taught for no reason besides education itself. Then, when I came to Japan, this continued.


Even in a truly busy company, everyone still had the energy to teach a learner as slow as myself the most difficult language in the world.


Today’s entry may have been overtly earnest but I’m afraid my Japanese isn’t a level where I can avoid being so direct. Writing so might be extraordinary for me – but it’s been an extraordinary two months.