
Last week was the first week of 2016. As Japanese traditional culture, our company visited clients to maintain stable relationship in the future. One week before New Year vacation, the last week of 2015, our company also visited clients to appreciate for their orders.

Some of clients are located near our company. However, there are other companies which are situated at places far away from our company. It took whole day long to meet clients lying around the same district. Therefore, I couldn’t help but skip two days blog.

The ways to our clients’ company were very exhausting. Even though I was not the driver, my body also stiffened after a long road way. However, the meetings were impressive experiences to me, because I had great opportunities to take a glance of many headquarters of prestigious companies, such as Panasonics, Mitsubishi, Toray, Murata, etc.

Whenever we wet our clients, I had strong feelings of prosperous business of our own company. Wish Kimura Industry splendid prospects and outstanding achievements.